Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Fuck Michael Moore

I have a large problem with people who seem to think that their First Amendment is so much greater than anyone else's and that in fact is what Mikey Moore does. He is able to preach this bullshit that he calls an opinion, in which he tries to FIGHT Propaganda, when he is in fact just creating more the stuff that he hates. He hates on the Government and is such a activist AGAINST the war, but each one of those soldiers fought for his fat ass to be able to speak publicly, but he is always the first to insult this course of action. Everything he has to say just pisses me off because I feel that without George W. Bush, his life would be reduced to absolutely nothing. Earlier today I was able to watch "Bowling for Columbine"for the first time and I had mixed feelings. I felt as if it were happening again (the shootings) even though I was so young, this sense of shock was surreal. But, as the movie progressed the connections between Northern Michigan, the NRA, Timothy McVeigh, Marilyn Manson, etc began to spout. *insert curse words directed towards Mikey Moore here* People in my class seemed to be de-sensitized towards this kind of violence, and started to snicker when the calls were being dispatched by 911 (when the callers were in such distress, almost crying). I seriously wanted to stand up and say "Fuck all of you for thinking something like this is funny." But, I didn't and tried to keep a calm head, only until the debates/discussion period began. Oh how I exercised MY 1st Ammendment.

As much as I have a problem with the devil woman (Jennifer Granholm), I love Michigan. It is such a beautiful state in so many aspects, but due to the overall retarded mind-state that the so-called politicians seem to have, the state seems to be the ass-end of almost every joke. We can't even have an Olympic Swimmer (somewhat of a pride for Michiganders), of Michael Phelps's without him smoking out of a bong and creating this spectacle of himself. UGH! AMERICAN'S STOP BEING EFFING RETARDED, you are in the national spotlight for a reason, stop smoking weed and shooting people. I don't get it (but, that is entirely another separate rant).

I saw how Flint seemed so desolate (which it is), and Detroit being almost War-Torn, and it literally made me cringe. I heard facts of unemployment rates, real estate failures, and the overall depression that Michigan has been facing and it makes we want to throw up. I live in a city/town that thrives off of south-landers who come up and spend their money on leisure activities in the up north. The only problem with this type of economy is that when the base of the economy (the south-landers) fails, it begins to have the trickle effect. Simply put, southern Michigan fails, then of course so does Northern Michigan. I have so much to say about Michigan, but my blog is not the place (unfortunately).

Anyways, all in all... Michael Moore, I am glad that your little phase has become almost non-existent and you have pretty much been reduced to the TV channels that no one watches, where you talk about Bush (STILL) and sweat to death not because you just got done running a 10K marathon, but merely because you were speaking to a group of reporters who don't even give two-shits.

So many things have happened to me this week that I will try to touch on, some funny and some that just tick me off. I will try to elaborate more as I get free time, I just have been busy with work, school, and that drug called Fallout 3.

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